Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fascism in Amerika

Fascism in America

By Robert B. Reckmeyer

We have entered an age where we must be willing to unmask the deception and lift the veil from our eyes. Now we are being called to stare the dragon in the face and confront our worst nightmare, that we have allowed our freedoms to slip away and failed to see the corrupt nature of our elected officials. We have failed to meet our personal and collective responsibility to guard against threats both internal and external. Now we must strip away the layers of deception and undo the false reality we have been living under.

Fascism has become the ruling power in our system. It is better termed Corporatism, the merging of government with multinational corporations. It is the power of government and business, in partnership, with the peoples interests a far second. The merger of the UNITED STATES government with industry has taken place a little bit at a time. It has now become a colossus and threatens our constitutional democracy. We have before us a set of conditions that if unchecked will destroy us from within. We must act, first by educating ourselves to the current state of affairs and then second by using the law to beat them at their own game.

I make the argument that we have crossed the line and have become a Fascist State. We have lost our way and now find ourselves marching towards our own demise. We have allowed a motivated few to hijack our constitutional democracy and replace it with a fascist model. We have merged the corporate interest with the government and now find ourselves in a system that is consolidating power in the hands of a few, international bankers, energy companies, armaments manufacturers, pharmaceutical and chemical companies, in essence a New World Order, controlled by the international bankers, corporate titans, and their globalist political yes men.

All of us see the world through our own filter and with our own eyes but certain men and women have the gift to see things that many people are unable to see, unless it is pointed out and articulated in such a way that one is illuminated. I know one of my blessings, in this life journey has been an ability to recognize certain realities that many just can’t seem to see.

When I was released from Federal Prison in November of 1992, after eight years in custody, I was shocked at how many people seemed to be in a dream world as it pertained to what was going on in the world. I had been away for so long that I felt as though I was returning from a long trip, high on the mountain top, living a monastic lifestyle. In truth I might well have been on another planet returning from another space and time.

In many ways my prison experience was not unlike a person being kidnapped off the street, not returning home for dinner with their family but rather bundled up and transported to the other side of the world. I was placed high on a mountain top unable to communicate or visit with those I loved. I was forced into a monastic, meditative experience that transformed the way I processed reality and it gave me a perspective that was completely outside the box. I literally reprogrammed my way of seeing the world and I could recognize aspects that many seemed unaware of.

The fascist model that we have become was done a little at a time so that most North Americans seem to be oblivious to the changes that have taken place over the last fifty (50) years. I will try and comment on the eighteen characteristics that I have identified in the hopes that my perspective might help others to see.

When we embark on a journey to unmask the deception and lift the veil it becomes quite compelling and one must utilize their critical thinking skills. I will try and summarize the current state of affairs within these United States as it pertains to the (our) fascist system now a part of our collective experience.

I identify eighteen (18) steps to “Fascism in America” they are all well in place and we now find ourselves having to unscramble the egg, not an easy task for any nation. These eighteen steps are a part of our daily reality and it is only through our collective will and our focused intent that we can reverse this orchestrated subversion of our system and take back our constitutional democracy. To fail the test, at this time, means our self destruction.

Eighteen (18) Steps to “Fascism in America”:

Identify an Enemy

American Gulag

Corporate Security Services

National Security Super State

Government turns on Citizens

Control of the Press

Dissent is Treason

Suspend the Rule of Law


Militarizing Society


Partnership between Government and Religion

Corporate Power Dominant

Labor Movement is neutered

Arts and Intellectuals marginalized


Election Fraud

Human Rights Crushed

(1) Identify an Enemy:

We need only look at the 9/11 incident and the immediate response naming Osama Bi Laden and Al Qaeda as the evil perpetrators. The western media giants had their video feeds showing Bin Laden in his terrorist head dress with automatic weapon in hand at one of Al Qaeda’s training camps. They showed it over and over again until we were saturated with images of the twin towers collapsing, the Pentagon crumbling in on itself, the hole in the ground from Shanksville, Pennsylvania and of course Bin Laden shooting his automatic weapon.

As the Project for a New American Century proposed; they would need a catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor if they were to succeed in their quest to remake the world and establish a New World Order. Creating an outside enemy and demonizing a whole race/religion of people is utilized to scare the citizenry into believing they need protection. Citizens are all too willing to sacrifice their constitutional rights, for security, if they firmly believe there is a real internal or external threat. The governmental intelligence apparatus knows all too well how to manipulate the population with trauma based mind control. They whip the people into a state of fear with non stop programming that there are terrorists around every corner, they identify Osama Bi Laden and his Al Qaeda network as our mortal enemy and name them as the perpetrators of 9/11.

One only has to look through history to see how other fascist states manipulated their system and utilized these eighteen steps. One can see how the 9/11 incident completes step one and demonizes a whole region and religion in the process. They have given us an outside enemy to replace the Soviet Union after its collapse.

If a great nation is going to be viable then it needs an organizing element that is best served by an outside enemy. In other words, like the Report from Iron Mountain suggested, we need an outside enemy for cohesion and as a unifying force within the society. Perpetual war is a policy objective of our national government(s) in order to keep the population distracted, scared, easily led, complacent, and focused on something outside of the truth that a very few elite families control the whole world.

If we have an outside enemy then we need war production, we need to be protected from those who would do us harm. We need Big Daddy and Big Brother to protect us from the Weapons of Mass Deception, the potential Mushroom Cloud. If we can demonize a whole group of men and women and blame them for the evil that is being done in the world then it takes the heat off the real villains. Since the Middle East and that whole region have three quarters of the known energy reserves and control the pipeline routes to the Persian Gulf then it would stand to reason that a Fascist Corporate system controlled by the International Oil Companies, International Banks, and the huge Military Industrial Giants, in partnership with the BIGGEST military power the world has ever known, (UNITED STATES of America) would want to control that piece of real estate. This is not rocket science. This is power politics at play and if it is going to fly then the men in power know full well they need to demonize the people that live there and then rally the population at home to support their war of aggression.

These wars of aggression must be framed in a way that the United States citizen believes it is a war of liberation. So they organize, plan and fund their Al Qaeda network, through their intelligence services, utilizing any and all means in their pursuit of full power and control of the Middle East energy resources. They create and demonize the local population and then launch their war for liberation. How many truly believe the people of Afghanistan and Iraq think we are liberators? I would suggest we take our blinders off and do our own research because one would find that the local populations see us as occupiers not liberators. They know full well why we are there and that we do not intend to leave. The only population on the planet that thinks otherwise is our own North American population. We are convinced through our media that the Al Qaeda is out to get us and we are fighting to defend ourselves. Rubbish.

(2) American Gulag

Obviously I can speak from experience since I have experienced, first hand, the American Gulag System. The history of the prison system in America is a rather long and unhappy one. In truth it took a massive leap foreword and became a huge industry after the early 1960’s. Since the time of the old county and city jails we have been in a monumental building boom with private corporate interests taking the lead in the expansion of the prison industry. The government has outsourced the building of prisons, with private capital, and large multi national corporations not only building the prisons but also operating them for profit. We now incarcerate more men and women, per population, than any country on earth. It has become, in the last few decades, one of the fastest growing businesses in the United States.

Since the U.S. drug war started back in the 1980’s the United States has created a prison system that is world wide and utilizes host countries outside of U.S. law. The CIA has built a world wide system of prisons and maintains relationships with host countries in Egypt, Pakistan, the notorious Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and others throughout the world. The UNITED STATES Federal Prison System, Bureau of Prisons, (BOP) is incarcerating more people than at any time in history. The vast numbers of federal prisoners are in prison on drug related violations and doing longer sentences as a result of mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines instituted in the 1980’s during the early years of the drug war. We have now built up a system that is primed and ready to incarcerate more and more people, both here at home and abroad.

The general public still considers the incarcerated men and women as faceless, out of sight, out of mind and unless one has a loved one in prison they fail to experience the reality of the prison system. Most people tend to look at the terrorists as someone way out there, far-far away, who look different, has a warped religion that is beyond their understanding and “they” deserve whatever they get. Obviously this view is twisted and false. People are not easily classified into one group or another and in truth we are all one. The media demonizes the Moslem religion, they classify people of Middle Eastern decent as terrorists and they paint the picture that those in prison belong there and are there to protect us, again this is false.

The Military Tribunals set up as a result of the 9/11 incident are a system outside of our constitutional laws and fail to protect those people held against their will. They have no due process and deny the prisoners the ability to seek a legal remedy. The military tribunals become a parallel system that puts pressure on the regular courts to abandon their constitutional mandates and protections afforded the accused. It is one way a fascist system bypasses the rule of law and institutes courts that function outside of the constitutional court system.

The New Crime Control Act of 1984 was a watershed event in our criminal justice system because it ushered in the new sentencing guidelines, forfeiture laws and the ease to which the ruling class could oppress the black community within the system. If the system could flood the market with cheap cocaine from South America, (see the Iran Contra/CIA cocaine operation run out of the Reagan White House.) and then lock up a large percentage of the young black male population, all in the name of justice, then the old slave system takes on a new face. Same old power and control with a new improved version. They create the problem, illegal drugs; they flood the market and employ a whole system of workers to combat the problem, Judges, law enforcement agents, Police, Sheriffs, US Marshals, DEA, CIA, ATF, the BOP (Federal Bureau of Prisons). US Attorney’s, Prosecutors, Lawyers, Bail Bondsmen, the list goes on and on.

We have created a Prison Industry, UNICOR Prison Industries that employs millions of men and women under slave labor conditions. When I was incarcerated back in the 1980’s, for selling marijuana, the pay rate was about $1.10 cents an hour, making industrial wire harnesses. The Labor Camp in Petersburg, Virginia was in business to provide slave labor for the UNICOR Prison Industries. The majority of inmates were in for drug crimes and doing their time working in the factory.

The American public seems to be unaware of the imbalance between those that have and those that have not. The black community is represented in upside down numbers when it comes to the criminal justice system. They are about 15% of the total population in America and yet in the prison system they represent at least 50%. It seems a bit wrong when the intelligence services control and smuggle in the illegal drugs, they flood the black communities with it and then when the unemployed black men sell dope to feed their habit and their families, the system locks them up.

The fascist American system is quite cognizant of what they are doing. They are obsessed with crime and punishment, they know how many people are employed on both sides of the game, cops and robbers, and they choose to perpetuate the system because it is good for business. The white man keeps the black man down. The prison industries get a cheap labor force; remember the Nazi labor camps and Bayer pharmaceutical was IG Farben chemical conglomerate of Nazi Germany. We have sugar coated our expression but in truth it is the same.

(3) Corporate Security Services

Never in America! (Not) “Too soon we grow old, too late smart”. Backwater Security is a security service that operates, for profit, and sells its services to the government not only in places like Iraq or Afghanistan but also in places like New Orleans after natural disasters (or unnatural) like Hurricane Katrina. They operate above the law, like in Iraq where they can not be prosecuted, or when given the task of enforcing law and order here at home.

Nazi Germany was known for terrorizing the population with their Brown Shirt Nazi thugs literally scaring the people into submission. In these United States we believe we are above that kind of harassment and think it could never happen here. All of us have seen the level of law enforcement since 9/11. We have been made to believe that it is okay to be searched at the airport and stopped on the highway for any reason. We have allowed ourselves to be intimidated by the local police, our federal law enforcement, FBI, CIA, ATF and IRS. We have been willing to give up our bags and have our personal bodies searched when we travel by air. All of this creates a culture of intimidation and feeds a fear based reality that is manipulated to control the population. Our Constitutional rights are thrown out the window in the name of security and so we blindly acquiesce.

(4) National Security Super State

Cointellpro was a government intelligence operation orchestrated by the FBI in the 1960’s and 1970’s against U.S. citizens identified and labeled subversive. People like Martin Luther King were targeted, with the intent to destroy the black civil rights movement and discredit their leadership. Martin Luther King was given top priority and it was without question one of the darkest chapters in our history. When the state utilizes all of its resources to discredit a citizen and destroy a movement it subverts our constitutional process. It creates an environment where no one is safe and the oppressed are unable to rise above their oppressors. Once again we are in a time when citizens that speak out and seek positive reform are labeled and identified as trouble makers and somehow less patriotic than those who support the government’s policy.

The fact that we need to be eternally vigilant and never allow our constitutional rights to be suspended in the name of security should be apparent to all. One only has to study the historical record to see that a government that is willing to overturn the protections our constitutional democracy gives us, is well on its way to tyrannical abuse. We have crossed the line and now find ourselves living under a system without the checks and balances spelled out in out constitution. We have replaced our founding documents with a set of laws that, (The Patriot Act- H.R. 5122 [109th]: John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007) our founders would sound a clarion call to action.

Both the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act and The Patriot Act are set up as an internal surveillance system. They have provisions that supersede the constitution and authorize the government to spy on U.S. citizens in the name of National Security. Once we have allowed the tyrannical government apparatus to overturn our constitutional protections we have crossed the Rubicon and anything is justified in the name of security.

We have allowed a National Security State to replace our Democratic Republic and we now find ourselves literally living in a Brave New World. President Eisenhower warned us in his parting speech, as he left the Presidency, that we must guard against to much unchecked power, in the hands of a few. Obviously his words seem quite prophetic now almost fifty years later. The National Security apparatus has permeated through all levels of our government and we have replaced our institutions with a permanent armaments industry that has its tentacles reaching through all aspects of our government and our policy considerations. It’s obscene the level of our GNP that goes into our National Security State.

The National Security Act is invoked each time the intelligence services break the law, smuggle drugs, assassinate Presidents, black activists, foreign leaders, or any other miss- adventure under the sun. They slap it on the UFO, Alien abduction phenomena. They invoke it when they topple foreign governments, subvert elections and all in the name of National Security.

Now we are living through the 9/11, Patriot Act reality and they have National Security on everything. They use it to justify their spying on Americans, our e-mail, our inter-net traffic and where we spend our money. The government has “Total Informational Control”, from cradle to grave, and all in the name of National Security.

(5) Government turns on Citizens

Legal protest, anti war, pro peace, and political opposition, all of these groups may have a grievance and yet under the new security initiatives they may be labeled subversive and targeted for harassment by the government. We have experienced many times when the government infiltrated citizen groups, targeting the leadership, bringing false charges, entrapping members into crimes that the government planned, recruited and executed for their own political gain. Obviously there are many organizations that are trying to make a positive difference in this world and they do work for many good causes. The Center for Constitutional Rights works diligently for the best interests of our constitutional democracy and yet it is groups like these which are targeted and harassed. We must recognize that a Fascist system is put in place one step at a time and is similar to the frog in the pan analogy. If we turn up the heat a little at a time and get use to the temperature sooner or later it is to late and we are toast, (cooked frog).

Citizen groups are a part of a healthy democracy and one group should not have the power to dictate their own philosophy over another. When a fascist system is put in place it starts off marginalizing the opposition, harassing its members and in the end outlawing any group that can organize a true opposition. This systematic approach has been a part of every fascist takeover, from Italy, Germany and Chili. Repressive regimes harass and intimidate any group that can organize an opposition to their rule.

The American Civil Liberties Union is one such group and reports that many of the attorney’s that have stepped foreword, pro-bono, to represent the inmates being held in Guantanamo Bay Cuba, are experiencing harassment and ridicule. Since when do we allow a few to dictate to the many? These men and women who are the leaders of this fascist takeover are literally drunk on their success. They have had no organized opposition to this takeover and in truth it is time we stand up and say, “It is not okay”.

Once again I know something about the scare tactics the federal government uses to intimidate and pressure those in opposition whether it is political descent or an organized opposition which has the potential to bring attention to their illegal acts. There are hundreds or thousands of well meaning groups that have protested for one reason or another, and found themselves locked up overnight. It is one thing to involve oneself in a sit down protest, get lock up and released the same day. It is a bit more harrowing to have a swat team take you off the street without any warning and lock you up, without a formal charge, only to release you several days later. If that is playing fair then Tonya Harding should have won the gold medal.

How many of us have packed our bags, driven to the airport and subjected ourselves to a security person who decides arbitrarily to pull you out of the line for a full body and bag search. If you have never been stripped searched by some stranger then pray God it does not happen because it is one of the most humiliating experiences anyone should ever have to go through. It is bad enough to have ones bags ruffled through, personal hygiene materials, underwear, reading material and whatever might make a personal bag personal.

Now, we have to make sure when we leave our house that we have our “papers please”. If one is riding in a car, and it gets pulled over, pray you have your papers because they might decide to hold you until they fully identify you with a real ID, i.e. Drivers license, Passport or Green Card. It is taking place every day and then some. Many of us as white working class Americans might slide by here and there but ask a black man or woman. Ask a Hispanic who is riding in some car trying to run to the market for some groceries. If it does get pulled over and everyone does not have their papers then it is a sure ride to the local lockup until they are produced.

We all support the government when they target the criminals and try and clean up the neighborhood. We protest when the local drug dealers take over a dilapidated dwelling and turn it into a crack house, and protest we should. It is another story when the law enforcement and other federal agents target a citizen who speaks out against 9/11 or CIA cocaine smuggling. How do we feel when good citizens call for the Impeachment of Bush and Cheney? How about those that call for hearings about the criminal fraud during the lead up to the war in Iraq?

When the government targets the political opposition utilizing the IRS, CIA, ATF and others we might raise our voice but usually only if we agree with those in opposition. Most of us turn our heads if we don’t identify with the individual. When Martin Luther King was being targeted many turned their heads the other way. Even now if one were to look at the black community they might say Jeremiah Wright was way past their comfort level. If the Federal Government targeted him because of his comments about the AIDS virus being the result of a U.S. biological weapons program to spread AIDS into the black community, by forces within our government, many might say target him. Obviously some take the time to do their own research and find out many troubling facts about the AIDS virus that may lead some to believe that Jeremiah Write is absolutely (W)right. So then what?

I find when one is a target, life can get very difficult and many choose to crawl back in their shell and not pursue the injustice, whatever it might be. These fascist men and women know all too well that we all have a breaking point and it is only a matter of increasing the pressure until one breaks. Targeting an individual is a tried and true approach to crush the opposing point of view. The Nazi, Soviet, Chinese, Cuban, Chilean and American tyrannical model sticks to a play book that has been developed over the centuries. Those who are willing to stand up and subject themselves to being a target have to understand that it simply goes with the territory and they better be strong in character, spiritually awake and willing to take the abuse or they will be crushed.

(6) Control of the Press

The large multinational corporations, US media giants: General Electric, AT&T/Liberty Media, Disney, Time Warner, Sony, News Corporation, Viacom and Seagram, plus Bertelsmann, the Germany-based conglomerate control what is purported as news. The western media giants and their boards are controlled by those same individuals that sit on the boards of some of the largest Military Industrial Corporations on the planet. It would stand to reason that we are only fed what they want us to digest and think about.

A free press is not free if the information is screened for a certain spin. I have watched the, quote free press, twist the message to fit the current play book. The only free press in the world is found over the inter-net doing your own critical thinking research. And that does not mean; Paris Hilton pregnant by Aliens. It means an open source approach to sifting through information and using your critical thinking skills to build a true picture of the world around us. It surely does not come from a controlled media corporation feeding the public a prepared meal of a one dimensional, linier perspective.

A fascist system targets journalists and T.V. producers putting pressure on them to stay on point or be marginalized and subjected to further harassment if they choose to get too vocal. Fascists plant false stories building a picture that is based on a false reality while at the same time limiting all stories that paint a true picture. One only has to look at the fear based media dealing with the terrorist threat. It is on every radio station, the TV news, Fox, CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS. When one looks at the 9/11 incident it is quite clear that the military industrial complex has done everything in their power to create a climate of fear utilizing the media giants with their (mind control) programming.

This is an easy one to write about since I have experienced the way the government controls and manipulates the information distributed to the public. The CIA has a cadre of reporters on their payroll, spinning the stories and creating the kind of buzz they deem necessary for the manipulation of the masses. The media hype that was generated by the Bush/Cheney propaganda machine in the lead up to the War in Iraq was not only criminal fraud but was done with literally almost no opposition from the American media giants. One would have thought we were in Nazi Germany in 1939. The major press was all too willing to take the administration at face value and scare the public with stories of WMD, mushroom clouds and all the other lies Bush, Cheney, Rice, Powel and others told in support of their war agenda. Where were the critical thinkers? Where was the public in their assessment of the facts, or lack thereof?

When we follow the money we see that the western media is owned and controlled by a handful of large media giants. They are all too willing to spout the government line and push through stories that promote a war agenda and maintain a fear based reality to keep the population dependant on Big Brother. The population identifies with the father image and looks to government to take care of them. The society is founded on the principal that we live in a dangerous world and we need all of these people and the programs they run for our perceived benefit. The truth is much different. They need the programs for their benefit and they need to keep us scared or we will wake up to the manipulation and topple the bad guys from power.

Look at the Iran Contra/CIA Cocaine operation. The media was mostly silent as far as the drug conspiracy was concerned. Only the San Jose Mercury Leger had the guts to run the story and post it on their web site. Another is the Wilderness web site that has done a fabulous job at bringing to light the level of corruption within our intelligence services and their involvement in the illegal drug trade. The fact that George H.W. Bush, Richard Armitage, Ollie North, the late William Colby, (who was killed days before he was to testify before a Senate sub committee hearing), also William Casey, Colon Powel, General Richard Secord, Phillip Rodriguez and a host of others. We never read about it in the Washington Post and yet if one does their own research it is all there to read. William Colby ex DCI, Gen. Colon Powel and Richard Armitage, during their days in Vietnam while working with the Laotian tribesman, financing their dirty black operations, with money from the drug trade, drugs that made there way back to the states and addicted our youth dumbing down a whole generation.

George H.W. Bush and his illegal operation run right out of the White House while he was Vice President and the media killed the story. The Congress went into emergency closed door session when anything was testified to concerning CIA cocaine smuggling and where all the money went, obviously to fund their clandestine illegal war against Nicaragua.

The media in our country is an arm of the government and in truth is not the fifth estate, anymore. We may have had an independent press, at one time, in our history, but the forces at work have been busy tearing down anything that can stand in their way. In truth when they control the media they control what we think about and what we are fed.

The media has a role to play in the way governments create a false reality. They maintain their power when the population is kept in a state of fear. If they can keep people thinking about stupid things, i.e. Paris Hilton, Who wants to be a Millionaire, Football, and a million other entertainment venues and keep them scared at the same time, then game over. They need to control the media giants and they control the mind of man. It has become a science and whether it be the Jesuits, Roman Catholics, Nazi Germany, or now the good old USA they know how to push our buttons. The whole trauma based mind control is a big part of engineering the public in one direction or another, Study Project Paper Clip, MK Ultra, and follow the trail right into the lap of our research Universities, CIA, our media giants, and all the victims along the way.

I remember the Kennedy Assassination and the trauma our country went through experiencing our young President executed on the streets of Dallas. We heard Lee Harvey Oswald tell the nation on national TV that he was the Patsy, in other words it was set up. We saw Lee Harvey Oswald shot by Jack Ruby, in cold blood, while in the Sheriffs custody. And we were made to believe it was a lone gunman, a nut case, who shot our President. We were traumatized and watched the national tragedy unfold over the whole weekend. Maybe I am sounding a bit old remembering this first 9/11 but it is so eerily clear to me how they manipulated all of us and set us up to believe a lie. Even though Lee Harvey Oswald told us he was the patsy we believed the government version. The media never tried to pick apart the official sanitized Warren Commission Report and so we had to wait until a few investigative men and women uncovered the level of deceit.

9/11 is the same game plan. They pull off the crime of the century, they use trauma based mind control black magic and it takes investigative men and women to dig and dig until it becomes super compelling that the government’s version is the least plausible conspiracy theory of all. And where is the main line media in all of this, they are not silent, just the opposite. They marginalize, discredit, and ratchet up the media machine to kill the story and try their best to keep the people away from the manipulation.

Unidentified Flying Saucers, (UFO’s) are some of the same media manipulation that has been going on since the late 1940’s. The government has done everything in their power to label those men and women who take the time to research this phenomenon as kooks, crack pots and a host of other descriptive adjectives that any sane informed person would say is crazy. Those who read and study ancient texts know full well that our civilization was founded by off world visitors. We know when we study our current time frame that the sky is full of UFO’s, some unidentified and some that have been confirmed by scores of people. We have thousands of abduction accounts, government whistle blowers, and 100% confirmation speaking to intelligent life in the universe and those galactic cultures that are inter-acting with us on a daily basis, where are the stories in the controlled media? In truth they only fill their pages with dis-information and lies. The truth only comes through when an informed citizen does their own research and then it becomes quite clear that our earth is teaming with intelligent life from other worlds.

(7) Dissent is Treason

What is the definition of “Enemy Combatant”, good question since the Congress passed the John Warner, Military Commissions Act of 2006, because it is what ever the President says it is. Since when do we live in a system where the chief executive is not only above the law but now has the last word on who is an enemy of the state or in other words, enemy combatant?

With their twisted logic a few men, at the top, decide who is good and who is bad. It’s that simple. The Congress has given the authority to the President who then authorizes whoever he chooses to make that judgment. We are at their mercy and can only hold onto a wing and a prayer if for any reason they see fit to label you an enemy combatant. How about a web site that articulates a different point of view? Or a writer who uncovers criminality in government and writes about it? How about an imbedded reporter who tells the truth and shows the public the level of corruption on the battlefield? Are they enemies of the state, enemy combatants, maybe not, but maybe so, if you get on the wrong side of the fence.

How does one get labeled an enemy of the state? Real easy if you are vocal and willing to tell the truth in spite of the political climate and the political fallout. Pot stirrers are not easily put in a box and that does not make them an enemy combatant. Political dissent is the American way. Dissent is crushed under a fascist system and those who are willing to organize and raise their voice are labeled treasonous. I would love to sit down with our founding fathers and ask them what we should do right now, at this historical moment in history. I think we all know what we should be doing and it involves agitating for the common good utilizing the Constitution and the freedoms we do still have to protest and educate ourselves in order that we might reverse the fascist model they have so cleverly orchestrated.

(8) Suspend the Rule of Law

Here we go again…..They cry for a New World Order, where the rule of law will be across the land and they break every law that suits there game plan. The illegal drug business has been controlled by the intelligence services since the British flooded the Chinese market with opium and addicted a whole nation. We financed our illegal war in South East Asia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, with heroin and addicted many of our soldiers coming back from Vietnam during the 1960’s and early 1970’s. George H.W. Bush, Richard Armitage, William Colby (who was killed in a boating accident before he was to testify about the Iran Contra/CIA Cocaine affair) are all up to their ears in the illegal drug business. They hide behind the National Security Act and justify their behavior saying it is part of the reality of the intelligence black operations business.

If we fail to see the illegal things being done in our name then we will literally reap what we sow. The CIA and their hidden partners, are flooding illegal drugs into our great nation from south East Asia, Afghanistan, (were production is at an all time high) Columbia and subverting the rule of law in the process.

As we have already been told it will only take one more 9/11 incident for the President to declare Marshall Law and suspend our remaining constitutional rights. This is not a bad dream we are living through right now. It is happening before our eyes and we are being told exactly what they intend to do. The really sick part in all of this is the fact that we can read history and see how it was done in Nazi Germany, The Soviet Union, Chili and China. All of it is done in the open and within the legal definition of the law. They are skilled in manipulating the system to pass the laws that subvert the constitution and bring in the Marshall Law. Once power is concentrated into the hands of a few they do not give it up easily. Read your history, Rome, Nazi Germany, Soviet Union. Each time the only way the rights of the people were restored was after the Republic fell.

(9) Nationalism

Nationalism is an organizing element that brings a sense of pride to the population. Like many things in life nationalism is not all good or bad. It has its place and can be a positive motivating force not unlike when the United States of America sent our men and women overseas to liberate Europe from the Nazi Fascist Regime of Germany. Our nation promoted our nationalism to achieve a victory in World War II and established a new order in Europe after the war. I can remember growing up with the 4th of July celebration and watching James Cagney in Yankee Doodle Dandy sing, ‘Over there, over there, send the troops over there, and the Yanks are coming, the Yanks are coming, the drums drums beating everywhere, over there…..’ I think many of us can take pride in our great republic and the nationalistic fever can cause us to shed a tear and thank God we live in such a wonderful land.

The Nazi Fascists, in Germany, also utilized nationalism to whip up support of their people, for a war of aggression, in order that they might take over the world and establish their Nazi Fascist system utilizing their military war machine, in effect forcing their Nazi Socialist movement on the rest of the world. Something we are trying to do now.

May I suggest that we read our history to understand what has really taken place since we defeated the Nazi war machine and liberated Europe. Europe experienced the Nazi jack boot on its back, crushing any and all opposition in their lust for power and control. When the German people were crushed in World War I they had their pride crushed as well. They felt their nation was mistreated during the armistice and the treaty of Versailles. Their nationalism was at an all time low and they were easily manipulated when fifteen years later the Nazi Fascists burned the Reichstag, their seat of Government, and passed the “Ermachtigungsesetz, the German Enabling Act”. Nationalism was at the heart of the German people and they were easily led to support the Government of the National Socialist Nazi Regime, in their war of aggression.

We need to be clear when our government puts the Nationalistic propaganda machine in full gear whipping up our citizens to go get the evil perpetrators of 9/11 and then we cloak our foreign adventures as a defensive war in the protection of our great nation. We are easily led when we think falsely that nineteen young men from Saudi Arabia, with box cutters and a few with private pilots licenses, take down our military industrial complex, with one blow.

Think how we have been played, rallying our nationalistic fever, into wars of aggression against sovereign nations, Al Qaeda may have had an operational role, but who was the motivating force behind the incident? Study the policy side to the operation and one will see a whole different perspective on who was involved and who set the operation into motion. Afghanistan was not behind 9/11 nor was Iraq. The nineteen young men were primarily from Saudi Arabia, the pay master was from Pakistan and the Taliban was only a marginal player giving aid and comfort to Osama Bin Laden.

What I am trying to articulate is a simple set of circumstances that if played the right way, utilizing the media, and the heartfelt positive nationalistic energy of our nation, can be twisted into justifying a doctrine of wars of aggression, the same thing the Nazis did when they invaded Poland and Czechoslovakia. The world saw it one way and the German people saw it another way. Why, because people are easily led, the German people were manipulated, through their national pride, to rally to their government, and support their policy of aggression. Sound all too familiar?

Here in the United Sates of America we pride ourselves on our intellect and our ability to reason. We don’t believe we could be fooled by the media or the intentions of the people in power and yet if one stands back from the current collective reality it is simple to see. We have been asleep at the wheel; our pride in our country has blinded us to their manipulation. Old Yankee Doodle Dandy would not be happy with our leaders misusing our national pride to justify wars of aggression. Too bad we seem to be going down the same road as the German people in the 1930’s. We love our country and support our leaders when we have been told a BIG lie. We justify our foreign policy, the war doctrine because we have been fed a set of facts that upon further examination are false. We rally our nationalistic pride in support of the war doctrine and in truth our nationalism is misdirected in support of a cause that is false.

Pride in our flag, pride in our men and women in uniform, pride in our way of life, pride in our founding documents, Pride in our Nation. Who can fault any of us when we hear America the Beautiful and shed a tear of joy and honor for the men and women who have died in defense of this great nation. They fought for our freedom and liberty and many died defending our rights as UNITED STATES citizens. Hell yea, of course we have pride in our country and want to believe our leaders when they call us to arms in defense of our way of life. What troubles me is when I read about the way that Hitler and his Nazi henchmen twisted the truth and ushered in World War II and I see the similarities with this current age and our war on terror. It is worth a serious study and one may come to a similar conclusion, like I always say; do your own research and come to your own truth.

(10) Militarizing Society

We have built the largest military machine in the history of the world and now fund an Empire that spans the globe. Our Military Industrial Complex, that Eisenhower warned us about, is literally a monster out of control. We have instituted a system based on weapons of war and the full militarization of our society. Security Clearances are prized as a way to climb the ladder of success. Jobs with that sector of our economy are booming. The rest of the country is in a depression and Washington D.C. hums along at full throttle. Working for the expansion of the Empire is big business and affords any worker a chance to climb the ladder of success.

I live outside Washington, D.C., in Northern Virginia, this is a company town and the government employs many educated high energy people who are all too ready to feed at the trough and climb the ladder of success. Most of my family, who are well intentioned loving men and women, have high paying jobs, with their security clearances, and see nothing wrong with working for the military industrial, government, corporate system. I say, go for it. But I also say, to myself, that something is not right when we are employing well intentioned men and women, who are smart, educated, loving people in the pursuit of policies that are fundamentally flawed. Like Nazi Germany we have a very industrious population, highly skilled, well motivated, a lot of engineers, who see nothing wrong with feeding their families, doing a good days work, building their retirement, and at the end of the day going home for super. Life seems all too regular and normal. In truth we are supporting many policy objectives that under closer examination don’t make any sense at all.

If we want to militarize our nation and the whole world, be a part of the effort to extend our Empire, do it at the expense of others, and then go home like it is just part of my job, then I say we need to rethink what we are doing with the few years we have on this earth, and maybe find another job. I am sure as I am sitting here that the German working population turned a blind eye to the injustices going on in the slave labor camps, on the front line, in the occupied countries, and at home where a group of men had planned and executed a world wide conflagration that would consume the world. How many of the German people spoke out and tried to rally their fellow citizens while they could? How many are really speaking out now? Or taking the time to analyze the facts around 9/11 or the fraud perpetrated on us during the lead up to the war in Iraq. How many marginalize those men and women who do try and raise the consciousness of our citizenry and label them trouble makers? Too many attack the messenger and fail to do their own research when something troubling is brought to light.

The military can be a blessing when the top brass is motivated from a good place. It is no different with our elected officials. The problem I see, at this current place in time, is the simple fact that they have a lust for power and control and those men and women who have chosen the service to self path are making every effort to exert as much effort, as is humanly possible, for fear they will lose their place in the hierarchy of full power and control if they fail.

To think that we have come so far and yet it is still about wanting to control the world. These men at the top of our military machine know full well they have an opportunity to set in place foreword bases, control of the energy resources of the Middle East and achieve absolute dominance of the strategic pipeline routs. They have sold their soul, in my view, by aligning with the corrupt political players and now see the golden prize at their finger tips. They need only act now while they still have time, or the Chinese might well act in the future. They justify taking the prize, falsely thinking that if we don’t do it then others will.

(11) Sexism

We live in a very male dominated culture and very right brain thinking society. The truth that a fascist system is very male dominated is spelled out when one looks at the political power in those regimes. Women are marginalized and the feminine quality is crushed. Obviously women are nurturers; they are focused on the softer side of life. They do not rise to the top in a fascist system because they are, for the most part, unwilling to brutally crush their opponents and opposition. They are not part of the top military hierarchy and so they fail to rise in a militaristic fascist system.

Gay men and women are also hired last, rarely rise to any prominent position and are fired when openly practicing their lifestyle. They can be brutally marginalized within a repressive fascist regime for the simple reason they are considered weak and people that have a talent for the arts and more left brain, nurturing, creative, service to others in their expression.

(12) Partnership between Government and Religion

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:


“In Liberal Democracies, especially the United States, neo-conservatism is associated with assertively interventionist foreign policy, an emphasis on free trade/free market economics, and a disapproval of counterculture; it may also be strongly associated with particular domestic policy positions, although these vary more from country to country”.

We have to start with the current political philosophy now in power, in the United Sates, and the marriage between the Christian Right and the faith based initiatives currently within the Republican Party and their political agenda. They have succeeded, brilliantly, merging their domestic agenda into a political movement that has permeated the whole process.

The Christian Right has been manipulated into the political process and one is identified with certain political foreign policy objectives that demonize those with another belief system and cultural expression. If you don’t believe that Jesus is the only true Son of God then one is going straight to hell and shall be damned for eternity. The merging of the political process with a certain belief system is exactly what the founders tried to warn us and separate or governmental institutions from.

The Moral Majority-Jerry Falwell, Focus on the Family-James Dobson, The 700 Club-Pat Robertson, the anti abortion movement, and a host of other organizations that equate a certain religious belief with a political movement and peg all of it to being Patriotic, or not, is manipulated and utilized by the Neo-Conservatives. They marginalize the liberal left, counterculture, and those with a more progressive lifestyle. It becomes a rallying cry for their foreign policy objectives and one is made unpatriotic if they have a different belief system or a more progressive outlook on life.

The marriage between the religious right and government is promulgated and promoted as a means of control. When the government and religion (the institutional church) are focusing their energy, time, money and using their resources to push an agenda, it is very difficult for smaller groups to have their voice heard. It is the perfect storm and creates an environment that the fascist model supports.

The Vatican controlled the Catholic Church and under Pope Pius XI, signed a Concordat (Treaty) with Nazi Germany. The Concordat dissolved the German Catholicism’s trade unions and political organizations but guaranteed the church the right to practice the Catholic rite, to keep their schools open, and to appoint Catholic Priests.

The fascist Model tries to merge the church with their political movement synthesizing their ideology and protestant tradition into one expression. They unite the pageantry and the ritual and try and supplant the creator with the Dictator. It becomes blurred and the State is glorified and political thought is focused and directed, in support of the State.

(13) Corporate Power Dominant

Corporatism: the merging of the Government with Multi-National Corporations. Fascism can take on many expressions, Germany, Italy, Chili or America, but it still comes down to a partnership between the State and their corporate interests, with the citizen’s interests coming in a far second. We see this played out in our society on a daily basis. The Politicians have sold their soul to the corporate lobbyists and fund their campaigns with special interest money that dictates where they cast their votes. They relax the rules on Credit Card interest allowing the Banks to raise their rates, to the obscene levels that only loan sharks use to charge , (31 ¾%). Who are they protecting, the consumer, (citizen) or the corporations? It becomes quite apparent that the Corporations and the State have become one, and the people have lost their representation within the political process.

Again, one does not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that we have been sold down the road by our political leaders. They have feathered their own nests and are in the pocket of the special interests. Our constitutional democracy has lost its power through the focused intent of Big Government, Large Multi-National Corporations and their political henchman. It works like a magnifying glass. When Big Government teams up with Big Corporations “We the People” (citizens) don’t have a chance. We have elected officials that have bought into the trickle down economics model. They give all the tax breaks and the subsidies to Big Business with the hope that it will trickle down to the little guy. You would think, after all of these years they would have figured out that trickle economics only trickles up to the few at the top.

The top income earners have seen their incomes and net worth rise over the last several decades while the middle class and the poor have seen their wages and ability to keep up diminish. The American Fascist State has grown into a monster that has crushed the little guy and destroyed their ability to earn a fair wage, provide for their family, enjoy true health care, and have any hope in the future.

The top twenty percent (20%) don’t understand why everyone is so upset. They support the Corporate Fascist model because it works for them. The corporations need an educated workforce to help them control the working middle class and poor. They get paid well, they enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, they educate their children and pass on the corporate model employing the new generation when they come of age. They don’t want to see anything change because life is good and the fascist system works, for them.

What about the working class and poor? We have seen the jobs shipped overseas, the multi-national corporations have destroyed the middle class outsourcing their jobs to India, China, and other markets where the cost of doing business is cheaper and the environmental controls are less strict. The politicians in Washington have not protected our interests but rather feathered their own with position, power and money.

Where is the true leadership in our political process? I can only meditate and pray that we wakeup to the reality of our failure to hold our elected officials accountable for doing the “Peoples Business”. They have bought into the corporate model of government and allowed the top 20% to prosper at the expense of the middle class and the poor. The really upsetting fact, is the world is hurting and the people in the world are hungry for the basic essentials, food, shelter clothing.

The corporations are making record profits, Exxon Mobile, Royal Dutch Shell, Microsoft, and Pfizer. We concentrate the wealth into the hands of the few and our politicians enjoy the revolving door. They move from the political backroom into the corporate headquarters and the little guy is left paying all the bills.

When the mortgage meltdown, orchestrated out of Wall Street, hit the American housing market, who came to the rescue? The Washington political machine went into overdrive and came to the rescue. The tax payers have now footed the bill for the Bears Sterns bailout. Fanny Mae and Indy Mac have come to the well requesting a financial bailout and once again the Federal Government protects the speculators and leaves the rest of us to fend for ourselves. How does the little guy navigate through a sea of sharks? It is almost impossible for anyone but the well connected to weather the storm.

I was watching a Bill Moyer’s Journal last night and it was speaking to this same issue of Corporations being protected by Big Government. It ran a story about a working mother and daughter; they worked as waitresses at a truck stop in Arkansas, and were deeply in debt, to a Hospital Collection Service due to the fine print on an admissions form when the daughter had a diabetic seizure. There was literally no way for them to pay this bill, with interest, on their combined earnings.

The top 20% work for the corporations helping them perpetuate this system and the 80% struggle just to keep up. They keep people separated and broken up into small groups so they don’t have a chance to organize any kind of sustained opposition and over time the masses get further and further behind. They max out their credit cards, they lose their equity in their house and they fail to put away anything for their retirement. Fifty Million US citizens are without healthcare and if they do get sick they don’t get the care they need.

(14) Labor Movement is neutered

Keep the people unorganized while the corporations are super focused and like a laser beam they can cut through any group that organizes against them. If the labor movement had legs and could focus their power they could demand from our politicians and their corporate partners a living wage and force the system to keep the jobs here instead of shipping them overseas. I have never understood why labor, the people, can’t organize a true political movement and kick the bums out in Washington. We are some of the most industrious people on the planet. We have a can do spirit that when unleashed is the hope of the world. If we wanted to produce everything we use right here in America and make it a sustainable model, with the best interests of the people as the primary focus, then we could really soar.

Obviously when the fascist system suppresses labor and their ability to organize it keeps the power in the hands of the few and concentrates it to the top. Corporations are a focusing lens that allows the super elite to maintain their power and control the level that the workers can attain.

The American labor movement was crushed so the Free trade people could exert their globalist agenda and bring in a New World Order. We have seen a steady erosion of our labor movement since the Democratic Party realigned themselves with a Fascist model. Instead of looking out for the working class like they did under Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal, they have passed laws and used the Justice Department to diminish the labor movement in this country. If a group of workers can’t organize an industry then the working men and women have no voice and their standard of living, health care, wages and benefits are greatly reduced. Keep labor suppressed and it keeps the power in the hands of the few.

(15) Arts and Intellectuals marginalized

The fascist don’t want the people to be thinking too hard or long about anything. If they can keep us simple-stupid, dumbed down and not pursuing the higher energy things in life, like music, art, knowledge, true science, vibrational, quantum, plasma, hyper-dimensional physics, ancient history, the why of life then they have us right where they want us. They want a pliable citizenry who accept what they are told and don’t have their critical thinking skills activated.

When a fascist system is in full force they go after the groups on the edges first, the most vocal, the unproductive, the sick, the opposition. Any group that can organize a sustained opposition is marginalized and eventually destroyed. The intellectuals and those in the arts are also targeted because they can bring attention to the fact that the people are considered as property. Humanity is best served by those in touch with their mind, their creative expression, their higher self. Fascism is the old paradigm; value is placed on the object and not on the consciousness behind all creation. The new paradigm is bringing to light the imbalance between the old feudal system and drawing attention to the universal truth that human beings are beyond this three dimensional reality.

When the fascist state gains full power they suppress those who can articulate and organize the masses to rise up and assert their true potential. People are hungry for color and texture and they will respond to those who bring out their higher self. The fascist model holds down true expression. It only survives when the arts and the intellect are marginalized and operate underground.

(16) Cronyism

Cronyism is the way at the top. Prescott Bush goes to Yale, joins the Secret Society, Skull and Bones and George H.W. Bush follows in his foot steps. George W. Bush follows Bush senior and then they all go into the family business. Follow the money and we see the political establishment hires from within, employs family and paves the way for the cycle to continue. The Fascist are experts at cronyism and corruption. They promote their blood line and keep the power concentrated in the hands of the few.

When the system is fundamentally corrupt it permeates through every aspect of the power structure and nothing keeps one from climbing the ladder to the top. When the Iran Contra scandal exposed the illegal operations run out of the White House many people were indicted for their crimes and one would have thought it would put an end to their careers. Just the opposite took place. George H.W. Bush was elected President after his team fell silent, to protect him, and he pardoned all of them except one.

Fascist regimes are governed by elite groups that almost always hire their family and friends and appoint them to governmental positions. They use the power of authority to protect their friends and associates from having to account for their misdeeds. The government is used as a funding mechanism for private businesses. The people at the top funnel government contracts to family owned businesses and use the resources of the government to manipulate their competition.

(17) Election Fraud

The election of George W. Bush, to the Presidency in 2000, was obtained using fraudulent means and forever changed the dynamic within our United States. We thought falsely, that it could never happen here and yet right before our eyes we see young republicans bused down to Florida, descending on the polling places where the recount is taking place. The people doing the recount feel threatened and so they stop the recount and the election is decided in the court. The Supreme Court takes the election from the people and throws the election to Bush. Was it the will of the people or the will of a few at the top? Did the system work, many believe not. Some believe we have passed the point of no return and whether it be the hanging chads, or the voting machines, that we can no longer trust the system to account for the vote in a free and fair way.

Fascist regimes control the vote either by all out voter fraud or by crushing the opposition and scaring the public to vote for the party in power. The Nazi party won the election and was voted into power when they scared the German people with their Brown Shirt thugs and fraudulent activity.

Our Democratic Republic can rise up and take back our power or sit ideally by and allow a few elite families to control the levers of power and dictate their Fascist ideology on the rest of us and the world. It is late in the game and without a focused intent, our emotional creative energy and awakening the consciousness of the people they may well succeed, or we may rise up on wings of eagles and turn this train around.

(18) Human Rights Crushed

I hear George W. Bush criticizing the Chinese leadership for their human rights abuses and I want to say what about getting rid of the log in our own eye before we point the finger and accuse others of their sin. Please….Guantanamo Bay, CIA prisons in host countries, young black men incarcerated in up side down numbers per the population for drug crimes. The CIA and their black operations people flood the market with Columbian cocaine, Afghani heroin, and put it on the street only to have the society medicated and unconscious to the reality of their operation. They make all the money, funding their black operations, and we lock up a good part of the young black males in our population.

It makes my skin crawl when I hear George Bush talk about human rights and criticize one country after the other when in truth we have lost our way and we need to recommit ourselves to the truths we hold self evident, That all men are created equal and all should enjoy a very high standard when it comes to human rights.

We suspend military aid to fifty (50) countries because they have supported the International Criminal Court and failed to exempt Americans from possible prosecution. Think about what we do and not what we say. If we have a policy of being the bully in the world and we go around flexing our muscle giving security companies like Blackwater Security a free reign with no criminal exposure then know wonder the rest of the world hold us in such low esteem. They see one America painted with the Hollywood image. They see super highways, super markets, super Malls and yet with the other side of the brush they see a Fascist Military machine that thinks it can project power and control in the name of freedom while at the same time crushing those who protest their occupation.

Nicaragua comes to mind, Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. We should remember the Shah of Iran, Guatemala, Cambodia and Laos. I hate to think about what we did to Salvador Allende of Chili or other regimes that we supported in the world. It always has perplexed me how we go around speaking about human rights and in secret we support those Military regimes that are the most repressive in the world. Then we funnel arms to the military Juntas to fight their local population in wars of liberation. Of course we do it all covertly and then keep it from the American people. The locals sure know what is going on. Our enemies know what we are doing. It is only the American people who are kept in the dark. As long as our grocery stores are full, our gas is cheap, and our entertainment is running at full blast, we are happy, out of sight, out of mind. Human rights are about right action and right thinking. Distain for human rights means what do we do in practice not what do we say.

Patriot Act

We the people, of these United States, have allowed our way of life to be compromised and now find ourselves in a rather difficult predicament. How does a sovereign nation unscramble the egg and take back our constitutional republic? Not an easy thing to do once the congress has voted to enact laws, that some would argue, protect us from an outside threat. The fact that it is a difficult task should not keep us from the work, to restore the checks and balances spelled out within our constitution.

The German Ermachtigungsesetz (Enabling Act) was enacted on March 23, 1933 after the Reichstag building was burned by the Nazis and blamed on the communists. On February 27th 1933 The Nazis torched the seat of the German government and ushered in a reign of terror that destroyed much of Europe and the world. After the fire Hitler invoked Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution, and suspended civil liberties during the orchestrated crisis. This was a classic example of State sponsored terrorism. They created the crisis, the people reacted and the Nazi party offered a solution.

The constitutional protections that were abrogated included; the protection against search and seizure, freedom of the press, free expression of opinion, individual property rights, right of assembly and association, right to privacy of postal and electronic communications and states rights of self government.

The German people were manipulated into giving up their constitutional democracy for a Dictatorship. Hitler became commander in chief of the armed forces; this was in addition to being President and Fuhrer of the German Reich, to whom every German in the armed forces pledged their unconditional obedience.

The term Patriot Act sends chills up my spine and reminds me of a “Brave New World” where words are turned inside out, up means down and down means up. The term Patriot is synonymous with The Bill of Rights and the United States Constitution. Utilized for the Patriot Act it is a name for something that is anathema to our way of life and our constitutional democracy.

We study the historical record so we might learn from our experiences and not repeat those lessons that have plagued us in the past. The parallels between the Germany of 1933 and America today, are striking and very similar. We too have the opportunity to wake up to the manipulation before we have to pay a much higher price. Even now in the year 2008 we have before us a clear choice; i.e. to reject the “Patriot Act” as a document founded on false assumptions and hold our Constitution as sacred and in place to protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic. If we lose our constitutional rights then we lose the foundation of our constitutional system, or we can choose to do nothing and watch our constitutional system slip away.

We must remember that Hitler came to power legally. He and the Nazi party were elected democratically during a time of great national crisis. As David Icke has pointed out pointedly, the manipulation starts when the forces seeking to take full control organize and cause a situation to take place that creates a crisis, the people react and then elements within the government provide the solution. It is a scenario that has been used throughout the ages. Nero torched Rome and blamed the Christians ushering in a Dictatorship. Forces within our government bombed the battle ship Maine, in Havana harbor, and blamed the Spanish. The North American media wrote stories fueling anti Spanish sentiment whipping up cries for war. The gulf of Tonkin incident during the Vietnam conflict was later found to be false and yet the Congress used it as a pretext for a further escalation of the Vietnam War. Time and time again elements within the government apparatus have manipulated the public utilizing false flag operations. Legitimate well intentioned people working for the government have failed to identify the true perpetrators and so it becomes a game of smoke and mirrors.

Operation Northwoods is a well documented false flag operation that was planned and approved at the Joint Chief level only to be terminated when President Kennedy said no. It spelled out the following and I quote: “Code named Operation Northwoods, the plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war”.

Sometimes we have to grow up and face the fact that there are bad people in the world and some of them work for our government. They justify their actions in the name of “National Security” falsely thinking that the end justifies the means. False flag operations are justified in the name of freedom and liberty. Assassinations become a part of legitimate black operations, illegal drug deals, subversion of the electoral process, including our own. They push the line further and further from what is acceptable and in the end we have lost everything that we stand for. In truth we stand for full power and control, not freedom and liberty.

Herman Goering stated: “The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.” Herman Goering was quoted during his war crimes trial and further stated how easily he and his fellow Nazis manipulated the democratic German government.

The first Patriot Act was passed on October 27th 2001 after the Bush Administration pushed through the legislation absent debate and time for the Congress to read it. It was written a year before 9/11 and the timing was orchestrated by Dick Cheney to give it maximum effect. It is a document that has been universally described as giving the President Dictatorial powers and is completely unconstitutional.

The Bush White House has crafted a political environment utilizing scare tactics and bullying the congress into passing a bill that is patently unconstitutional. They have painted a picture, through the media, that if you speak out about the details of the Patriot Act then you are unpatriotic. They go to great lengths to label you a traitor and someone who is weak on defense. The congress was literally scared into passage of the act just a month after 9/11. I say, shame on the congress for their lack of courage, and leadership, to protect our constitutional way of life.

The second Patriot Act, Patriot Act II, is a legal basis for the executive to override the will of the congress and gives the President, the Justice Department, the Office of Homeland Security and the FEMA NORTHCOM military command unchecked power and control. The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003, (Patriot Act II) is a blueprint for full all out Dictatorship and the congress should be ashamed if they pass it.

As we begin to digest the enormity of the problem we come to realize that only an informed citizenry and an organized effort will overturn this unconstitutional document. We must educate ourselves to the rights and privileges spelled out in our founding documents and then work to restore our rule of law based not on the Patriot Act but rather on our Constitution. Our constitution is the basis for our rule of law. It is the foundation that all legislated-enacted laws spring from. If it is unconstitutional then it must be overturned. We must stand up and file suit in Federal District Court to have the law overturned, based on it being unconstitutional.

Obviously, we are in for a wild ride and given the current climate in the world and we must be eternally vigilant in our pursuit for truth. These people are not playing games and have every intention of staying the course until they complete there mission and in George H. W. Bush’s words, bring in a New World Order.




'America lives in a fascist state' - Gerald Celente

Ron Paul Lectures Bernanke: U.S. Moving Towards Fascism

Facism " American Style"

Nazi America: A Secret History (Part One)

Nazi America: A Secret History (Part Two)

Nazi America: A Secret History (Part Three)

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