Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Template/Superwave

Robert Bruce Reckmeyer
Conspiracy Truth
The Template/Superwave
Mystery of the Gods

Conspiracy Truth is dedicated to the notion; we are all brought forward when we uncover what is really going on and take Action to correct the corruption and manipulation by the few against the many. My goal is to search for Truth  and empower the People to rise up and assert their God given Rights for Freedom, Sovereignty and Individualism through Civil disobedience and refusing to participate in a System that is based on the Perpetual War Doctrine and a Scientific Technological Totalitarian Dictatorship.


Dr. LaViolette is credited with the discovery of the planetary-stellar mass-luminosity relation which demonstrates that the Sun, planets, stars, and supernova explosions are powered by spontaneous energy creation through photon blueshifting. With this relation, he successfully predicted the mass-luminosity ratio of the first brown dwarf to be discovered. In addition, Paul LaViolette has developed a new theory of gravity that replaces the deeply flawed theory of general relativity. Predicted from subquantum kinetics, it accounts for the electrogravitic coupling phenomenon discovered by Townsend Brown and may explain the advanced aerospace propulsion technology utilized in the B-2 bomber. He is the first to discover that certain ancient creation myths and esoteric lores metaphorically encode an advanced science of cosmogenesis. His contributions to the field of Egyptology and mythology may be compared to the breaking of the Rosetta Stone hieroglyphic code.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

SuperWave Theory 2012 Earth Changes
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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